
In the month of December we observe the Power of Life and we share in the festivities of holidays from around the world. We have the privilege of witnessing families and communities coming together to celebrate various beliefs. From the lengthy celebrations of Hanukkah, the feast of Kwanzaa, the celebration of the birth of Jesus of Nazareth, and so many others. We see the power in believing. 

Believing is a lot like faith. Sometimes we believe in something unseen. Or perhaps we believe in a renewed relationship that is undergoing the healing process over the holiday season. Our ability to believe is the driving force in all the risk and courage we take. We believe that our next step is supported and guided in alignment of our highest good. 

This month, you are invited to dig deeper. Question your beliefs. No matter the topic, if a belief comes up in this time of reflection, allow your curiosity to take hold and have the courage to understand the beliefs you are holding, even when they exist in the shadow. (Especially when they exist in the shadow.)  Believe in your intuitive nature to guide you to a renewed understanding of your purpose, your call to service, and your directive to love in this world. Let’s allow ourselves to dream, to explore and to believe.